How to deposit by internet banking in BlueBelt?

Now BlueBelt allow to deposit by internet banking in MyPage.

1.Please login to your account at and make sure you click on “I’m not a robot”(1)

2.After your login, please go to “Funding”(1) section located on the top then click “Deposit”(2).

3.Please choose the right currency that you want to deposit, we only support MYR and IDR for now ( more currencies will come soon)

4.Choose the Deposit Amount, please note the Minimum account request when you deposit.

5.Choose the deposit method to" Internet Banking".

6.Click the “Make Deposit Ticket"after you confirmed all the information.

7.Choose you internet bank which you want to deposit and submit .

8. Login to your internet bank with correct information .

9.Fill the Authorization code and complete the transaction.

10.Then your deposit is done ,please check your balance and enjoy the trading in Bluebelt!










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