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Bluebelt Help Center
Bluebelt Starters
Bluebelt Starters
How do I open a Bluebelt account?
What documents do I need to submit for the verification?
I didn't receive the SMS verification code.
How can I deactivate my account?
How can I reset my Password?
How can I change my password?
See all 10 articles
Crypto Trading 101
Crypto Trading 101
Does Bluebelt use hot wallet or cold wallet ?
How does the blockchain work?
What is a Crypto wallet?
Is it safe to use Crypto?
Can I trade other cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin?
How does a Crypto wallet work?
See all 11 articles
Instant Buy/Sell
Instant Buy/Sell
How does Instant Buy/ Sell (Exchanger) work?
What is the minimum and maximum order size for Instant Buy/Sell?
What is the limit buy/ sell for an Unverified and a Verified Account?
How many fiat currencies are supported to buy Crypto?
Why our instant rate is higher than exchange?
How do I cancel my transaction?
See all 9 articles
What is the deposit/ withdraw limit for an Unverified and Verified Account?
How many fiat currencies does Bluebelt support?
How long does it take for me to receive my withdrawal?
How to deposit fiat currency?
What do I need to know when I deposit/withdraw by credit card?
What do I need to know when I deposit/withdraw by credit card?
See all 28 articles
Crypto Exchange
Crypto Exchange
How long does it take for an order to be matched?
How are orders matched?
Is there any fee for Crypto Exchange?
How many instruments does Bluebelt offer for exchange?
Where does Bluebelt get the exchange rate for Crypto exchange?
What order types are supported in the Exchange?
See all 7 articles
How does Bluebelt Margin Trade work?
What order types are supported?
Which markets does Bluebelt support Margin trading?
What are the minimum and maximum trade order size for Margin Trade?
Is there any fee for margin trade?
What is the stop-out level for Margin Trade?
See all 7 articles
What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and why do I need it?
I lost access to my 2FA device. How can I now access my account?
What is IP white list and why do I need it?
There are login histories which I do not know.
How can I change the password when the 2FA code is enable ?
My 2FA code isn't working ("Incorrect Code" errors)
See all 9 articles
Support Center
Support Center
What is Bluebelt Support's working hours?
How should I contact Bluebelt for support?
How long does it take for Bluebelt to response the ticket?
Which language does Bluebelt support in the Customer support?
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